Friday, June 03, 2005


Well well well. One full week until I make my pilgrimage to that mecca of theatre that we call New York City. The obvious seat of theatrical royalty, where all successes or failures are finitely detirmined. Such a rush to be going up there again this year, and to see such great theatre! Exciting stuff! So that's only one thing for me to anticipate in the coming weeks. The next is my annual Tony Awards party which I will be hosting this Sunday. So many of my theatre friends will gather with me and we'll have a great time doing what we love: being involved with theatre!

The Tony Awards should be exciting this year. I will be rooting for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Monty Python's Spamalot, and The Pillowman which are all shows I'll be seeing in the big apple when I go this time. I'm also seeing All Shook Up which was undoubtedly snubbed by the American Theatre Wing for nominations this year. But I don't blame them. Such a loose story line and plot, it's really non-existant. And some of the lines are almost worse than the script for Brooklyn the Musical. Pathetic excuse for a Broadway show...

Anyway, The Light in the Piazza got quite a few nominations as well, the equivalent of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels actually. I bougt the CD for Piazza at B&N the other day. It's not bad at all. A little too operatic for me though, although some people love that stuff. So more power to them. I do like the unconnected feel of the lyrics and music though. It makes for more real theatre which I always do love. The show seems to be very stylized too, in that lush Italian sense, or so I guess from the video. My friend Evalyn fell in love with it when she saw it. And a message to her: I think you would be perfect in the mother role, after hearing it on the CD. Evalyn said that it brought back her feelings on West Side Story. I can see why. They're very similar in many aspects. I would guess that the writers did draw much inspiration from West Side Story.

I think I shall go now though and finish some more of the finalizing details on the NYC trip. I really can't wait! A week with my friends in the theatre district of the world! Heaven on Earth!


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