Monday, August 07, 2006

The Appalachain Festival of Plays and Playwrights

I am now sitting in the Barter Cafe at Barter Stage 2 in between readings for the Appalachain Festival of Plays and Playwrights. I have already seen one reading at one and another starts in a few minutes at four. The one that I saw earlier was entitled Pow'r in the Blood. An interesting piece about a daughter who's estranged mother is dying and she has to leave her city life to visit her mother on the deathbed and the tensions in the relationship that arise and need to be resolved. The work was written by T. Cat Ford, who was of course present during the reading and the Q.A. session afterwards. That's one thing that I like about the AFPP, the audience along with a panel of three auditors who are proficient in theatre get to express their thoughts on the work that they just saw; critique what works and what could be more developed for a future "real" staging. It went well and I agreed mostly agreed with the auditors and what they thought. That audience input was sort of beneficial I guess, some people knew what they were talking about, but it's always good to know what an audience feels from your production even when they aren't trained or knowledgable about it. It's feeling that one tries to invoke through theatre afterall by use of language and emotions. So I beleive that Ms. Ford will go away with a few great suggestions and ideas which she'll use to further develop her piece and it will eventually be an even better story, one I hope to see again.

So I'm sitting in the cafe trying to blog on their wireless internet using my NEW LAPTOP, but I'm running into difficulty because Ryan Cury continues to talk to me. So I think I'll go and be sociable for the next fifteen minutes before the start of the next reading. The Dillsboro Pickle Queen of 1955 is up next and I'm looking forward to it. I don't know much about it, but judging from the title I would take it for a comedy. I'll post somtime tomorrow with my thoughts on it along with my thoughts on tomorrow's one o'clock reading. Now off to intriguing listening and discussion...


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