Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy 2007


So we've made it one more year. It's now 2007. And what was so great about 2006 for me? Working for the Disney company in Orlando, Floridia, saying good riddance to ETSU, starting at Maryland, and seeing Cirque du Soleil's Corteo all top my list. It was a fun year, very eventful but ver lackidasical all at once. I didn't see 2006 as much of a big deal, but looking back I was able to accomplish a lot. So here's to new friends and a new place and hopes for another prosperous year!

So I'm back in D.C. now. I got here on Saturday evening. It wasn't until I was driving through downtown to drop Rachel Lewis off that I realized how much I missed the place. It was nice to be home for a while, but I was more than ready to get back up here! My friend Kathryn Shebleski and I spent that evening watching Little Miss Sunshine and chatting. So it was nice. I spent New Years Eve at my friend Zach Fernebok's house. He had a party and it was a lot of fun. Great people and great times. It was in the Gunther theme, which entailed great music and lots of sex, wine, and respect. Well, not so much sex and wine, but those were represented in spirit I suppose. So the ball dropped, we had apple cider, and toasted to a new year! Everyone spent the night there and I didn't get home until 4 in the afternoon the following day. Fun, fun, fun. Zach and his friends are a cool group of kids. Today I went downtown and saw Dreamgirls at the Regal Theatres in Chinatown. I would have seen it when it came out, but not a single theatre in the entire Tri-Cities region was showing it! Pathetic excuses for movie theatres.... Anyway, it was an awesome movie! After the recent slump in movie musicals: Rent, Phantom of the Opera, it was nice to see it get back to the goodness that they can be. It was just as good as Chicago, which I loved. The performers were all surprisingly strong, as was the cast for Chicago. So my advice to anyone is to go and see it, that is unless you live in Abingdon, VA or Bristol, Johnson City, ot Kingsport, TN because it isn't showing anywhere there! But if you're lucky and it's showing at a theatre newar you: Go Now! The story is great, it's well performed, and the music is terriffic.


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