Monday, January 14, 2008

No More January Lulls

I remember, during my high school days, loathing the month of January. During this time Barter was dark, Theatre Bristol was dark and there was ultimately nothing going on except for class. Very boring and much dreaded. My how the times have changed! Now living in an actual theatre market I see that January is not at all boring and that business is rather brisk. True, I've been occupied with my winter course as well, but I have been seeing quite a few shows as well as rehearsing Filthy Rich. Scheduling issues - which are not my fault - are even arising! Oy vey!
Today I booked a film gig for the 22nd in Alexandria! Very exciting stuff. It's some small film company based in Potomac, MD. I submitted to their project through Carlyn Davis Casting about three weeks ago and was very glad to hear back. Just a day shoot, but the pay is good and it's only 8 hours. At my point ANY work is good welcome. Unfortunately, I was previously attending a workshop with Mary Zimmerman at Maryland, but will no longer be able to do that. I LOVE Mary Zimmerman's work and would have loved to work with her. But I need the money and experience right now more than I could use a four hour intensive with a genius, so the work won out. It was seriously a hard decision, though.
I will be seeing Mary Zimmerman's new play Argonautika at the Shakespeare Theatre this week sometime though - during previews so I can get cheap tickets. I would be seeing it tomorrow on its first preview, but I'm seeing James Gardiner's new work Glory Days at Signature Theatre. James graduated from Maryland a year ago and was in The Distance From Here which I worked on as well. He's so talented I want to smack him! So I'm very excited about seeing his writing. And at a theatre like Signature, impressive!
So that's where I am right now, plus dealing with crazy amounts of logistics and such. The semester is coming upon me so quickly! Winter term is almost gone. I'm auditioning for Olney Theatre on the first day of classes as well, an opportunity that's part of a class I'm taking. I hear they're auditioning for Big River. Even though it looks like I'll be in NYC for the summer and unable to accept any role there, I'm still going to audition for the exposure. Gotta get those new headshots out there somehow! Also, my website, , will be launching sometime tonight at a very basic level. VISIT IT and tell me what you think!


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