Monday, August 21, 2006


So today has been a very nice day in the sense that I was very productive and have the feeling of getting something accomplished. This is good because I often feel like there is something that I should be doing and that I'm not doing it. I guess that's natural, or maybe it's guilt for being so lazy recently. But in either case I have learned that everything works out perfectly in time. So therefore I will not worry, I'll sit back, accomplish things, and go with the flow.

But for today I worked, quite a bit. The morning started off extremely early: 5:50 a.m. I woke up so that I could get ready and take the metro up one stop to campus where I would see how reliable campus transportation is. I have some business on campus early in the morning and since I don't have a car I'm relying on public transportation to get there. However, I wasn't sure how reliable, if at all, the UMd transits would be or even how long it would take me to get to where I need to go. So I decided to have a trial morning where I would test out my times, etc. And to my shock, the bus system is really simple, just one transfer from rail to road and I'm let off within fifteen minutes practicallin in front of the building I need. Nice. I've always had a fear of relying on busses to get to where I need to go. In NYC I never take them. I much prefer the reliable rails and subways. Same applies for me here in D.C. too; I always take the metro rail and have yet to test the metro bus. But come August 30th I'll be relying on the bus system a lot! I'll be taking a direct bus from the front of my complex, Prince Georges Plaza, directly to where I need to be on campus. But now that I see how easy and reliable the system is, I won't worry as much. I did, afterall, often rely on the busses at Disney...

But back to the rest of my day! After my excursion to campus, which, by-the-way, was as lovely as ever, I got back home at around eightish. A little later on I recieved a phone call from the company TSI, which I had applied to about a receptionist position in downtown D.C. TSI is sort of like a temp agency, they contract out employees to various agencies according to the agencies wants and the employees want as well. They e-mail me a link to an online test that I took. It recorded my "secretarial ability," I suppose, or at least my WPM and how well I knew Microsoft Office. So after I finished that, which I didn't think I did that well on, I sent it off to the man at the office. He shortly contacted me again and we set up an interview for Wednesday. So I'm hoping that all works out and I'm able to get a nice weekend job that pays well. God know's I need a good paying job while I'm up here! So I hope something well comes out of this.

For the rest of today I spent my time filling out appropriate applications and forms downloaded from the internet as well as printing off resumes and all sorts of other businessy things I needed to take care of. Tonight I think I'll spend working on, or trying to find, a monologue for a future audition I have. I have acquired a copy of the script Tradin' Paint from Nick Piper at the Barter back in Abingdon, VA. I saw the reading of it at the AFPP and I thought it would be a great piece for me to get a monologue from. So I'll probably read it tonight and break down what I think could work and go on that. But I have to go and get started on it because I've limited myself to a strict bedtime of 9 p.m. tonight, cause tomorrow is the real 5:30 morning!


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