Friday, September 01, 2006

And The Rain Poureth

Wow. I thought only Florida had random weather, but apparently College Park is capable of it too. As soon as I stepped out of my apartment building this morning I regretted not bringing my coat or having purchased an ubrella previously. The winds blew fairly strong as I waited for the shuttle under the building, watching the rain splatter down. It wasn't a hard rain but enough to annoy and depress. Not having time to run back and get a jacket, I waited in the cold. My luck. Once I arrived on campus I trekked the way (in the drizzle) to CSPAC for my first class of the day: Fundamentals of Performance.

The class was enlightening enough today I suppose. We're starting out thinking on the most basic levels of human performance. Rather a study of performance behaviour. What is considered performance and what is considered behaviour? How do they differ? What purposes do they serve? When does behaviour become performance? When do we become aware that we are "performing" for an audience? Theatre and performers ere obviously a concerns for Plato, he outlawed them in his book The Republic because of the quandry of performance. When do you know when you're watching something real or watching a performance, he asked? That is for us to decide as we begin our journey into the art of theatre! Yay for deep questions and ambiguous answers!

Now it's raining harder outside and I have to leave for French class in a moment. I know I'll get wet, maybe very wet. I hope it doesn't get harder. Damn you Ernesto!


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