Friday, February 02, 2007

Off-Center Auditions

As usual, my life has been as busy as ever. It's honestly amazing how busy things get with the commencement of the semester. Classes, work, auditions and now the addition of a 479! I've sold my sould to the devil. Well, maybe not the devil, because this is my career and I willingly give my time to it for good reason. But it's sometimes quite tiring, even with the love and gratification that comes from it.

I've had two off-center auditions for this semester on Wednesday and Thursday, both of which I have successfully, and fortunately, recieved call backs for. On is for La Dispute, directed by Brad Wilkins, and the other is for The Lab: An Experiment in Grand Guignol, directed by Kris Messer and Lindsey Snyder. I really, really want a role in The Lab because I love Grand Guingol and would love the oppurtunity to work uner Lindsey and Kris. They're such amazing people and I feel that I could learn a lot from them. If not this project, I'd love to work on something with them. I had Play Analysis class with Kris last semester and Lindsey guest lectured in a couple of my classes as well as worked with Laren and I in Stonewater Rapture.

Well I have to run. 288


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